About Us
The AUS history is characterized by continued transformation, growth, and improvement in a world of tremendous change; I am personally honored to coordinate the team that leads the institution through a time of change, a time of setting ambitious goals and aspirations.
The next five years of the AUS journey are characterized by substantial growth on all fronts. Internally, we are on an accelerated path of capacity building in order to continue enforcing our structure and leadership based on principles of shared governance, transparency, and predictability. Furthermore, we have embraced a quality management model that has at heart the enhancement of the student learning experience in an approach that capitalizes on dialogue with the main internal and external stakeholders - students, faculty, administrative staff, alumni, and external stakeholders - whose voices we incorporate into our teaching and learning strategy, as well as study program review.
Externally, we are strengthening new partnerships as part of our new community engagement strategy that builds on existing networks of alumni and representatives of the world on work and ensures that our educational offer is connected to the latest business developments and responds to the diverse labor market needs. We will continue working on identifying different avenues of cooperation with our external partners to increase our impact on the community within which we operate.